Monday, June 2, 2014

Last Payment Due June 6!

As we are approaching the end of the school year, we are also nearing the end of payments. I said previously that the final payment of $349 would be due June 6. However, it's OK if you don't make that date as long as I receive it before June 20. I have been holding on to your deposits and am about to deposit all of them.
We need to have another meeting before school ends. It will center around housing and group excursions. Please attend so you can voice your opinions! We have narrowed the search down to three houses, all of which are located on the Pacific coast. In terms of excursions, most of our adventures are already finalized. These include: zip lining, hiking up Masaya volcano, trip to the Masaya markets, boat tour of Lake Nicaragua and the excursion to Coyotepe, the decommissioned political prison. After that, we have some options. First, we could charter a fishing boat for a day on the Pacific. We could also snorkel, surf or just chill in hammocks. I will keep you informed as I set a date for this meeting.

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