Sunday, April 26, 2015

Post-Winter Reminders for our 7/20-7/29 Trip!

The long winter is over, and now its time to touch base again.  I hope everybody has been doing well!

This is a reminder to everyone about some of the deadlines coming up.

Firstly, Amped's website was down for a while but now it is up and running again with a new look!  It is still easiest to pay through the website (  Just click "Donate" and enter the payment amount and method (Paypal, credit card etc.) You may also write a quick note in the space provided to specify what the payment is for.  
Please make sure you select "Donate 100%" at the bottom so that the entire amount will reach Amped!

Secondly, there are 2 important deadlines coming up for flights:

1) I need the traveler's name and birthdate as it appears on their passport by May 10th.  I need to give it to our travel agent.  Please email this to me.

2) ALL of the the flight money ($711.60 per traveler) must be in the hands of Alice Blair and Continental Travel Agency by May 17.  Please refer to my flight payment details blog post:

Lastly, we will have one more meeting as a group, probably in early June, to go over final travel details and any other miscellaneous things.  In the mean time, check out this recent New York Times article:
We will be visiting Lake Nicaragua and taking a tour of Las Isletas on our trip this summer.

If there are any other questions, please let me know.

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